Ancient Knowledge Part 21: Maintaining Blood Pressure and Improving Digestion; Rewards of Cardamom | Health


Attention readers: Ancient Knowledge is a collection of manuals that illuminates timeless wisdom that has benefitted people for generations with traditional solutions to everyday fitness problems, persistent health issues, and stress management, among others. Through this series, we aim to offer contemporary resolutions to your health concerns with conventional insights.

In this edition of Ancient Knowledge, we will uncover numerous advantages of cardamom, its consumption in ancient times, methods of incorporating it into your diet for improved health, precautions for certain individuals, and intriguing facts about this spice.

Many individuals enjoy starting their day with a warm cup of cardamom tea or Elaichi Chai. The delightful fragrance, taste, and digestive properties of cardamom have gained approval since olden times when the spice was utilized to alleviate indigestion, heartburn, bloating, intestinal parasites, and diarrhea. Cardamom or elaichi can aid in reducing blood pressure and is also a superfood for the kidneys as it enhances urination and removes toxins. It is also utilized in the treatment of various genital and urinary infections. In terms of oral health, cardamom not only eliminates bad breath but also possesses antibacterial effects that assist in preventing dental decay.

According to Ayurveda, cardamom is known as ela, while its scientific name is Elletaria cardamomum. A study by Research Gate states that around 200 years ago, cardamom plants grown in monsoon forests of Western Ghats in southern India supplied cardamom to most parts of the world. Cardamom finds mention in numerous ancient texts such as Charak Samhita, Kautilya’s Arthashasthra, and Taitirriya Samhita. In Egypt, cardamom-scented candles were popular and used for perfuming spaces. In Chinese medicine, cardamom was used as a diuretic and for controlling incontinence, while Greek healers utilized it during childbirth.

“Dietitian Vidhi Chawla, the Architect of Fisico Diet and Aesthetic Clinic, states that ‘Cardamom, a fragrant and versatile spice, has been cherished for its unique flavor and a multitude of health benefits for centuries. From ancient times to the modern era, this exotic spice has found its place in culinary, medicinal, and cultural traditions around the world.'”

In this edition of Ancient Wisdom, we will uncover numerous advantages of cardamom, its consumption in ancient times, methods of incorporating it into your diet for improved health, precautions for certain individuals, and intriguing facts about this spice.

Cardamom can assist in alleviating digestive issues such as bloating, indigestion, and gas. It is frequently used in traditional medicine to soothe the stomach. The benefits of cardamom include its antibacterial and antioxidant properties, which safeguard the brain from free radical damage. Consuming just ½ teaspoon of cardamom per day for three months alongside a healthy diet can help stabilize blood pressure and reduce the risk of stroke.

Cardamom is a treasure trove of health benefits. It is abundant in antioxidants and essential nutrients, making it a valuable addition to your diet. Some of the benefits of cardamom include aiding digestion, possessing antioxidant properties, freshening breath, reducing inflammation in the body, and enhancing cardiovascular health.

In ancient times, cardamom was a highly regarded spice in various cultures and was even referred to as the queen of spices. It was consumed in numerous forms, including as an ingredient in Ayurvedic medicine, in perfumes and incense for its pleasant aroma, and in cooking and baking for flavor enhancement.

To incorporate cardamom into your diet, you can add it to homemade spice blends, prepare cardamom tea by crushing a few pods and adding them to your tea, use it in baking to add depth of flavor, or sprinkle ground cardamom into smoothies for a flavorful twist.

While cardamom is generally safe for most individuals, those with certain conditions or allergies should exercise caution or avoid its consumption altogether. This includes individuals with allergies to cardamom, gastrointestinal ulcers, or gallstones. It is essential to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating cardamom into your diet if you have any concerns.

Some interesting facts about cardamom include its designation as the ‘Queen of Spices’, its labor-intensive harvesting process that contributes to its status as one of the more expensive spices in the world, its cultural significance in various traditions, and its versatile flavor profile that allows it to be used in both savory and sweet dishes.

Stay tuned for Part 22 on October 31, where we will delve into the benefits of saffron.

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