Types of lumbar pain and its treatment at home

Types of back pain and its treatment at home
Types of back pain and its treatment at home

Lumbar pain is extremely widespread and typically doesn’t have a serious cause. Resting from vigorous activity can assist, but moving around will alleviate stiffness, relieve pain, and prevent muscles from weakening. Consistent findings indicated that bed rest is not an effective approach for acute lumbar pain but may prolong recovery.

What is the cause of lumbar pain ?

Lumbar pain can arise from a variety of factors. It can be the outcome of a simple lumbar strain or sprain to more severe chronic illnesses like sciatica, arthritis or even cancer. Age is also frequently attributed to lumbar ache. The lower back’s joints and bones start to shift over time. The discs frequently deteriorate and sometimes break apart. These structural changes can occasionally cause pain. When you experience lumbar pain, it may be mild or it may be severe enough to disrupt your sleep. Muscle stiffness and reduced range of motion can impact your daily life as a result.

There are three basic types of lumbar pain to be aware of:​

Acute pain

Acute lumbar pain occurs suddenly and usually lasts a few days to a few weeks. It is mostly due to a sprain or strain and resolves after some time.

If lumbar pain can be associated with a specific activity, such as lifting or twisting incorrectly, and the pain goes away within 72 hours after resting and applying ice, it’s usually nothing to worry about. However, if pain develops gradually, appears suddenly, or persists, you might have a more serious condition.

Subacute lumbar pain

Subacute lumbar pain can occur suddenly or over time and lasts 4 to 12 weeks. During this stage, the inflammation has subsided with the formation of scar tissue as part of the healing process. Pain is now intermittent and mechanical, caused by certain movements that may irritate the injured structure or scar tissue.

Chronic lumbar pain

Persistent discomfort is chronic pain. Chronic lumbar pain can be severe. Because the symptoms are strong enough to affect your health, mobility, and quality of life for an extended period of time. Chronic lumbar pain can occur suddenly, but it usually develops gradually. It often isn’t the result of an injury.

Other major types of lumbar pain one may experience:

Physical Strain

Strain or sprain of the lumbar region (lower back) results from overstretching of the muscles or ligaments. These types of injuries are extremely common and can occur if you drag, pull, or lift heavy objects. Typically, a sprain or strain is considered acute.


An uncommon type of arthritis is known as spondylitis. It leads to chronic inflammation in the back and neck. Symptoms are often worsened in the evenings. Spondylitis patients appear to be at an increased risk of spinal fractures. It can occur in individuals who have also been diagnosed with osteoporosis (thinning of bones) or psoriasis, among other conditions.


Degenerative arthritis, also known as osteoarthritis, is a common cause of joint discomfort. It develops as a result of the wear and tear on cartilage tissue over the course of your lifetime.


Sciatica is a type of nerve pain that often radiates down the leg from the back through the hip and leg. The sciatic nerve, which runs from your spine to the foot on either side of your body, can become irritated in certain sleeping positions. While sciatica typically affects only one side at a time, it can also be bilateral, affecting both sides of the body. In approximately 80% of cases, sciatica pain will flare up and resolve on its own within six weeks.


Various cancers, such as spinal tumors, lung, breast, gastrointestinal, and blood malignancies, can result in lumbar pain. Lumbar pain can also occur due to undiagnosed skin cancer that has metastasized to the spine.

What can be done for lumbar pain relief?

When lumbar pain strikes, it can be challenging to get up and move. However, taking a short walk, participating in aerobics, yoga, water aerobics, swimming, or another low-impact activity can help alleviate lumbar pain. Exercise can relax tense muscles and release endorphins, the brain’s natural pain relievers.

Stretching and strengthening exercises are important in the long run. Remember that starting these exercises too soon after an injury can worsen your pain. Strengthening your abdominal muscles can reduce stress on your back. A physical therapist can assist you in determining when to begin stretching and strengthening exercises and how to perform them.

Bed rest has lost its significance as a primary method of treating acute lumbar pain. Doctors now understand that it is better to rest and sleep well to prevent your muscles from becoming stiff. Even if your lumbar pain is so severe that sitting or standing is uncomfortable, rest can still be a beneficial treatment. Try to limit rest to a maximum of two days. Include foods that can reduce inflammation, such as tomatoes, olive oil, and green leafy vegetables, in your diet. It is also recommended to drink plenty of water and sugar-free fluids.

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    This is Christian, a representative from Go High Level.

    Thank you for sharing this.
    Unique topic discussion on Types of lumbar pain and its treatment at home

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    Go High Level Team


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