Challenges in articulating your requirements


Published on Oct 04, 2023 04:10 PM IST

  • From perceiving vulnerability as a weakness to being out of touch with our emotions, here are a few reasons why expressing our needs might prove to be challenging.

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Being unsure how to convey our requirements, desires, and expectations can create considerable strain in a relationship. Addressing this issue, therapist Allyson Kellum-Aguirre stated, 'Relationships will suffer without communication. The ability to express oneself fosters emotional security, which is crucial for establishing a healthy bond and connection in a relationship.' She further identified a few factors that may make it challenging to articulate our needs. (Unsplash)

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Published on Oct 04, 2023 04:10 PM IST

Being unsure how to convey our requirements, desires, and expectations can create considerable strain in a relationship. Addressing this issue, therapist Allyson Kellum-Aguirre stated, “Relationships will suffer without communication. The ability to express oneself fosters emotional security, which is crucial for establishing a healthy bond and connection in a relationship.” She further identified a few factors that may make it challenging to articulate our needs. (Unsplash)

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At times, we are disconnected from our own emotions, and this is a significant reason why we struggle to identify what we want to express. (Unsplash)

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Published on Oct 04, 2023 04:10 PM IST

Sometimes we are disconnected from our own emotions, and this is a significant reason why we struggle to identify what we want to express. (Unsplash)

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Often, when raised in dysfunctional households, we are taught that expressing our needs indicates weakness. As a result, we refrain from doing so. (Unsplash)

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Published on Oct 04, 2023 04:10 PM IST

Often, when raised in dysfunctional households, we are taught that expressing our needs indicates weakness. As a result, we refrain from doing so. (Unsplash)

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Challenges in articulating your requirements

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